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Consumer of the Year



Mary has been a valued member of the CES program since July of 1995. Before the site closed, Mary spent years working at Gravy Master where she prepared trays of sticks for making rock candy. Part of this process involved dipping the trays into liquid sugar, which she willingly did for any co-workers unable to do so themselves.


Mary currently works at the Westville Goodwill store where she hangs clothes with extremely high quality. She is a driven individual and always strives to do her best.


Mary used this determination to succeed in the Special Olympics. She has won several medals over a 25 year span, including the bronze when she swam for Team USA in 1995. In 2013 she won the Special Olympics Spirit of Life award. Mary is kind-hearted, welcoming to new program participants and is always willing to help others. She has always been, and continues to be, a hard working individual.


Even with many serious health concerns and personal losses, Mary has remained motivated and has persevered through it all. Mary arrives to the center each day with a positive attitude, a smile on her face and an eager outlook on life. She is a pleasure to work with and it is an honor to have her in the CES program.