Goodwill of Southern New England’s Rhode Island campus Employment Services Division develops and coordinates opportunities for vocational exploration, skills development and training.  Services include: job placement assistance, work experience and job shadowing opportunities, work readiness training, interview practice, situational assessments and job retention training and mentoring.

Goodwill also works with employers to provide employment opportunities to individuals who have barriers to employment. Our training programs are developed in conjunction with employers to ensure they are relevant to the current labor market.  Participants are provided with accurate information and labor market standards, expected employee availability and other information based on the information we receive from these employers. Goodwill employees and volunteers act as mentors and role models before and after employment to ensure success for both our client and the employer.

Goodwill clients are also provided with information regarding their rights as it pertains to confidentiality, the ADA and the right to disclose or not disclose their disability as it pertains to employment.  Employers are provided with information and training to develop awareness and understanding regarding working with individuals who have barriers to employment.

All services provided by the Employment Services Department support the agency mission of maximizing the vocational potential of individuals with barriers to employment.

For more information about Adult Employment Services, call us at (401) 861-2080 or contact us here.